Edit the Node Attributes

Description: Edits node attributes

Node attributes are edited as follows:

  1. In [Object Browser], select [Grid] - [Node Attributes]. Then select the node attribute you want to edit (Figure 350).
  2. Select the node whose attributes you want to edit. (Refer to Select the node)
  3. Edit the attributes of the selected node.

Figure 350 Example of the [Object Browser] display when [Node Attributes] is selected

Edit the node attributes in (3) as follows:

Menu bar: [Grid] (G) –> [Edit] (E) –> [Node Attributes] (N)

Then a dialog to edit the node attributes (Figure 351) will open. Set it and click on [OK]. The dialog to edit the node attributes varies depending on the attribute you want to edit.


Figure 351 [Topographic Aspect edit dialog]