
This page explains how to install iRIC, and related topics.

How to Install

  1. Download the installer of iRIC from the iRIC web site. Please access

  2. Execute the installer that you’ve downloaded.

Warning about installing Miniconda

iRIC 3.0 can run solvers developed with Python.

To run solver developed with python, iRIC installer bundles Miniconda as Python runtime environment. Please refer to the following URL about the detail of Miniconda.

When you install Miniconda using iRIC installer, Miniconda is installed to “Miniconda3” folder under the iRIC install target folder.

Note that when you have an environement where Miniconda is already installed, if you install Miniconda additionally using iRIC installer, it cause bad dffects to the Miniconda environment that already exists.

So, in that case, DO NOT install Miniconda using iRIC installer, and follow the steps described in Preparing iRIC solver runtime environment using Miniconda that is already installed.

If you accidently installed Miniconda additionally, follow the steps in How to recover in case you’ve overwritten the original Miniconda environement accidently, to rescue the environment.

Preparing iRIC solver runtime environment using Miniconda that is already installed

You can prepare iRIC solver runtime environment using Miniconda that is already installed. The steps can be applied for Anaconda too.

Do not install Miniconda

When installing iRIC, please make sure that the check boxes for the items below are checked off. For safety, they are checked off in the default state.

  • Miniconda

  • iriclib for Miniconda

Create virutal environment for iRIC

Launch “Anaconda Prompt (miniconda3)” from start menu, and execute the command below:

List 1 Commands to create a virtual environment
conda create -n iric python=3.12
conda activate iric
conda install numpy=1.26.4
conda install numba=0.59.1
conda install scipy=1.13.1
conda install gdal=3.6.2
conda install h5py=3.11.0
conda install pandas=2.2.2
conda install matplotlib=3.8.4
conda install requests=2.32.2
conda install beautifulsoup4=4.12.3
conda install pyproj=3.6.1

The commands creates virtual environment named “iric”, and installs Python 3.12 and numpy to that.

For example when you’ve installed Miniconda to D:\Miniconda3, make sure that now you have Python.exe in D:\Miniconda\Envs\iric.


The required libraries may be added or modified. The latest information is listed in the following file:

The required libraries and their versions are specified after the part :code: %2condabinconda.bat create -p %2envsiric .

Install iriclib for Python

Install iriclib for Python to the virtual environment you’ve created.

For example, when you’ve installed Miniconda to D:\Miniconda3, please copy the files below to D:\Miniconda\Envs\iric\Lib\site-packages.

  • IRICROOT\sdk\c\bin\Lib\site-packages\

  • IRICROOT\sdk\c\bin\Lib\site-packages\_iric.cp312-win_amd64.pyd –> rename to _iric.pyd after copying

  • IRICROOT\guis\prepost\iriclib.dll

  • IRICROOT\guis\prepost\hdf5.dll

  • IRICROOT\guis\prepost\szip.dll

  • IRICROOT\guis\prepost\zlib.dll

  • IRICROOT\guis\prepost\PocoFoundation.dll

In the list above, iRICROOT means the install target folder of iRIC (For example C:\Users\user1\iRIC).

Testing iriclib

Launch “Anaconda Prompt (miniconda3)” from start menu, and execute the following commands.

List 2 Commands for testing iriclib
conda activate iric
import iric

When no error message is shown, iriclib is installed correctly.

Setup Python path setting on iRIC

Setup iRIC so that it can run solvers using the environment that you’ve created. Please follow the steps below:

  1. Launch iRIC, by double clicking the iRIC icon on your desktop.

  2. Select [Option] -> [Preference] from menu.

  3. Input the path of Python to [Python path]. For example, in the case above, it should be “D:\Miniconda\Envs\iric\Python.exe”.

How to recover in case you’ve overwritten the original Miniconda environement accidently

When you install Miniconda with iRIC installer, the following problem occurs for the Miniconda environment that you’ve installed in advance.

  • “Anaconda Prompt (miniconda3)” and “Anaconda Powershell Prompt (miniconda3)” that you can launch from start menu refers the new environment that you’ve installed using iRIC installer.

You can recover the problem above, with the following steps:

  1. Right-click on “Anaconda Prompt (miniconda3)” in start menu, and select “Other” -> “Open the file location”.

  2. A new explorer window opens, and the shortcut “Anaconda Prompt (miniconda3)” is shown. Right-click on the shortcut, and select “Property”.

  3. “Make sure that the “link target” value is like below:

    %windir%System32cmd.exe “/K” (iRIC install target)\Miniconda3\Scripts\activate.bat (iRIC install target)\Miniconda3

  4. Replace (iRIC install target) with the path that you’ve installed Miniconda, and click on [OK] button.

You can recover “Anaconda Powershell Prompt (miniconda3)” shortcut with the same steps too.