
[Main Toolbar]

[Main Toolbar] handles file I/O, view setting operations for canvas, solver launching and opening subwindows. Figure 30 shows the [Main Toolbar].


Figure 30 The [Main Toolbar]

Table 5 describes the functions of the items on the [Main Toolbar].

Table 5 Functions of the items on the [Main Toolbar]
Icon Name Description
icon_file_open [Open] Opens a project file
icon_file_save [Save] Saves the project.
icon_file_snapshot [Save Snapshot] (N) Saves a snapshot of the active window.
icon_file_snapshot_clipboard [Copy Snapshot to Clipboard] Copy a snapshot of the active window to Clipboard.
icon_file_googleearth [Continuous Snapshots / Google Earth Export] Saves images of each timestep produced by the Post-processing Window/Graph Window into image files, and outputs a KML file for Google Earth.
icon_undo Undo Undoes the most recent action.
icon_redo Redo Redoes the most recent undoed action.
icon_fit Fit Zooms out such that everything is displayed in the window.
icon_reset_rotation Reset Rotation Rotates the graphic such that the X-axis is pointing rightward (in the positive direction) and the Y-axis is pointing upward (in the positive direction).
icon_rotate_90 90-Degree Rotation Rotates 90 degrees counterclockwise.
icon_xy_plane XY-plane Rotates the graphic such that the X-axis is pointing rightward (in the positive direction) and the Y-axis is pointing upward (in the positive direction).
icon_yz_plane YZ-plane Rotates the graphic such that the Y-axis is pointing rightward (in the positive direction) and the Z-axis is pointing upward (in the positive direction).
icon_xz_plane XZ-plane Rotates the graphic such that the Z-axis is pointing rightward (in the positive direction) and the X-axis is pointing upward (in the positive direction).
icon_move_left Moves to the left Shifts the viewpoint to the left.
icon_move_right Moves to the right Shifts the viewpoint to the right.
icon_move_top Moves to the top Shifts the viewpoint to the top.
icon_move_bottom Moves to the bottom Shifts the viewpoint to the bottom.
icon_zoom_in [Zoom in] Zooms in on the display.
icon_zoom_out [Zoom out] Zooms out from the display.
icon_extend_x Extension in the X-axis direction Extends only in the X-axis direction.
icon_shorten_x Shortening in the X-axis direction Shortens only in the X-axis direction.
icon_extend_y Extension in the Y-axis direction Extends only in the Y-axis direction.
icon_shorten_y Shortening in the Y-axis direction Shortens only in the Y-axis direction.
icon_run [Run] Starts the solver.
icon_stop [Stop] Stops the solver.
icon_pre_processor Display Pre-processor Opens [Pre-processor Window].
icon_solver_console Display [Solver Console] Displays [Solver Console].
icon_post2d [Open New 2D Post-processing Window] Opens a new [2D Post-processing Window].
icon_birdseye_post2d [Open New Bird’s Eye 2D Post-processing Window] Opens a new [Bied’s Eye Post-processing Window].
icon_post3d [Open New 3D Post-processing Window] Opens a new [3D Post-processing Window].
icon_chart_window [Open New Graph Window] Opens a new [Graph Window].
icon_scatterd_chart [Open New Scattered Chart Window] Opens a new [Scattered Chart Window]
icon_compare_measured [Compare with measured values] Opens a dialog to compare calculation results with measured values
icon_reload_result [Reload Calculation Result] Reloads calculation result.
icon_mouse_hints [Mouse Hints] Displays the [Mouse Hints] dialog.

[Operation Toolbar]

The [Operation Toolbar] is displayed only when the [Pre-processing Window] is active.

The [Operation Toolbar] shows buttons for operations available for the currently selected item in [Object Browser]. Figure 31 shows the [Operation Toolbar].


Figure 31 The [Operation Toolbar]

Table 6 describes the functions of the items on the [Operation Toolbar].

Table 6 Functions of the items on the [Operation Toolbar]
Icon Name Description
icon_move_up [Move Up] Exchanges priorities with the item that is immediately higher in priority
icon_move_down [Move Down] Exchanges priorities with the item that is immediately lower in priority
icon_delete [Delete] Deletes the selected item.

[Animation Toolbar]

The [Animation Toolbar] is displayed only when a Post-processing Window or Graph Window is active.

The [Animation Toolbar] items control movements between timesteps of calculation results. Figure 32 shows the [Animation Toolbar].


Figure 32 The [Animation Toolbar]

Table 7 describes the functions of the items on the [Animation Toolbar].

Table 7 Functions of the items on the [Animation Toolbar]
Icon Name Description
icon_movie_reset [Reset] Moves to the first timestep.
icon_movie_backword [Step Backward] Moves to the previous timestep.
icon_movie_start_stop [Start/Stop Animation] Starts or stops the animation.
icon_movie_forward [Step Forward] Moves to the next timestep.
icon_movie_last [Step Last] Moves to the last timestep.
icon_move_toggle_follow [Toggle Following Last Step] Automatically moves to the most recent timestep.
icon_movie_speed [Edit Slow Motion Animation Speed] Sets the speed for animation.

When you click on icon_movie_speed button, the [Animation Speed Setting] dialog (Figure 33) will open. Input the intervals between timesteps and click on [OK].


Figure 33 The [Animation Speed Dialog]