Basic operations

The basic operations of iRIC are explained below.

[iRIC Start Page]

When iRIC is launched, the [iRIC Start Page] opens. Figure 14 shows the [iRIC Start Page].

On the [iRIC Start Page], the [Start Simulation Project] tab is active at first. The following are the items on the [Start Simulation Project] tab.

[New Project] (N)

Starts a new project. Refer to [New Project] (N).

[Recent Solvers]

To start a new project for a certain solver, click on the name of the solver you want to use.

[Open a project file]

Open a project file. Refer to [Open] (O).

[Recent projects]

To open a project, click on the name of the project.


Figure 14 [iRIC Start Page] ([Start Simulation Project] tab)

To open the [Support] tab, click on [Support]. Figure 15 shows an example. The [Support] tab provides links to iRIC web pages. To access the web pages, click on the link to open the web browser.


Figure 15 [iRIC Start Page] ([Support] tab)

Operations in [Object Browser]

iRIC uses [Object Browser] for all subwindows except [Solver Console] and [Graph Window]. Figure 16 shows example of the [Object Browser] of the [Pre-processing Window].


Figure 16 [Object Browser] of the [Pre-processing Window]

In [Object Browser], the following operations can be made:

Selecting an operation target

Left click on the item to select which item to edit. When the selection status changed, the menu items available to the selected item is shown in the menu bar.

Switching between “show” and “hide”

Make a check mark in the box left of the item, to make it shown on the canvas. For items in hierarchical trees, if the check mark for the upper-level item is removed, the item and all the lower-level items are hidden.

Changing the order of items

An item can be moved up and down to change order. This operation is available only for [Geographic Data] and [Background Images] on [Pre-processing Window]. Select icon_move_up / icon_move_down on the Operation Toolbar to change order of items.

Changing a display setting in [Property] dialog.

Open right-clicking menu and click on [Property] to open a dialog and modify settings. Some items do not have [Property] dialog.

Importing / exporting data

Open right-clicking menu on an item to facilitate data import or export. Some items do not have import / export feature.

View changing operations on the canvas

View changing operations can be made with Ctrl key and mouse operations. See Table 3 for details.

Table 3 View changing operations on the canvas
Operation Action Cursor
Pan Ctrl + Left dragging cursor_operation_pan
Zoom in / out Ctrl + Dragging the scroll wheel cursor_operation_zoom
Rotate Ctrl + Right dragging cursor_operation_rotate
Rubber band zoom Ctrl + Shift +Right dragging cursor_operation_selectzoom

You can open a [Mouse Hint] dialog with either of the following actions:

Menu bar: [Help] (H) –> [Mouse Hints] (M)

Operation Toolbar: icon_mouse_hints

Figure 17 shows the [Mouse Hint] dialog.


Figure 17 The [Mouse Hint] dialog

You can change view setting of canvas with the Main Toolbar too. (Refer to [Main Toolbar])