Elevation data file (*.tpo)

An Elevation data file (*.tpo) is a file type for saving the x-, y- and z- coordinate values of a point.

You can use the characters below for delimiters.

  • Space

  • Tab

  • Comma

The columns in the files are as follows:

  • X coordinate

  • Y Coordinate

  • Z coordinate (Elavation etc.)

Lines with less than three values are skipped.

List 15 Example of elevation data file
1123.65625 2077.0625 846.35
1125.65625 2077.0625 845.72
1127.65625 2077.0625 845.34
1129.65625 2077.0625 845.76
1131.65625 2077.0625 845.62
1133.65625 2077.0625 845.49
1135.65625 2077.0625 845.5
1113.65625 2075.0625 846.17
1115.65625 2075.0625 845.71
1117.65625 2075.0625 846.25
1119.65625 2075.0625 846.43
1121.65625 2075.0625 846.29
1123.65625 2075.0625 845.94
1125.65625 2075.0625 845.34
1127.65625 2075.0625 845.28
1129.65625 2075.0625 845.13
1131.65625 2075.0625 844.99
1133.65625 2075.0625 844.91
1135.65625 2075.0625 844.94
1137.65625 2075.0625 844.78
1139.65625 2075.0625 844.67
1141.65625 2075.0625 844.77
1143.65625 2075.0625 844.85
1145.65625 2075.0625 844.86
1147.65625 2075.0625 845.02